People often ask me: What makes a good portrait photo?

My answer is simple. To me, it’s all about the subject. You see, a portrait photographer doesn’t take pictures, they capture moments. They make time stand still. It takes someone who can look at the world with wonder and awe—and transmit that wonder to an audience through their images.

The technicals are important too, of course. Composition, lighting, and working with your subject to achieve the best possible pose are all crucial elements of a good portrait shoot. But without an eye for the moment, what you’re left with is just a picture of a person.

That’s not what we want to do. We want to show people what it means to be truly seen and understood by another human being—to capture the essence of them in one timeless portrait photo that will last forever. As a result, we help you make your portrait extraordinary. 

I’m a portrait photographer, and I’ve learned that making a good photo of a person is all about understanding who you’re shooting.

The person in your portrait

If you want to make a stunning portrait, ask yourself: “Who is this person?” What makes them tick? How do they see the world? What are their dreams? Their fears? Passions? Their goals and aspirations?

Once you have an idea of what’s important to your subject, it’s easier to find ways to shoot them in a way that conveys those qualities. You can use lighting or composition or props—even just the way you interact with them—to help tell their story through your lens.

I hope this helped you learn more about me, my approach, and what I can do for you. If you’d like to see more of my work, check out my portrait and headshot photography portfolio. You’ll find different examples of portraits there, as well as testimonials from customers who have hired me before. And if you’d like to see my latest photos, follow me on my Instagram. Feel free to contact me and have a great day!