Having a professional portrait photo for your LinkedIn profile is one of the most important things you can do to help accomplish your professional goals.

Think about it: when you meet a potential employer or business partner, they are likely going to look at your online presence—and that includes your LinkedIn profile. The first thing they see when they come to your profile will be a photo. So, you want that photo to make a good impression and show you in the best possible light. Literally.

A professionally-taken portrait photo will convey professionalism, confidence, and maturity in a way that selfies and snapshots simply cannot—it’s just a fact! And studies have shown that having a professional photo on your social media profiles makes people more likely to trust you, so it’s not only about helping to get you the job or client opportunity in the first place… it’s also about making sure those opportunities are successful ones.

Check out our photo portfolio here and book a shoot today.