Want to know a secret?

There’s one thing that can make or break your business. One thing that makes it all work, or doesn’t. And it’s something you’ve probably never considered before.

Are you ready for it?

A good portrait photo.

You may be wondering why this is so important… but hear me out! A good portrait photo makes people feel like they know you, and trust you, and want to buy from you! And I’m not just talking about the picture on your website, either. A good portrait photo can be used in multiple places: on your website, yes—but also on your social media accounts and in your email signature block! It helps people to identify you, and helps them feel more comfortable buying from a face rather than an email address.

Ready to get started? All you need is a camera, some nice lighting, and a great backdrop—and if you don’t have those things handy, no problem! There are tons of photography studios where you can get this done professionally at an affordable price. I highly recommend checking out our portfolio. We specialize in taking professional photographs for businesses – like yours.