Ever wonder what makes a good portrait photographer?

Well, there are a lot of factors, but one of the most important is lighting. It’s SO important! You have to know where the light is coming from, what time of day it is, how the light will fall on your subject’s face—everything. A good portrait photographer always has lighting in mind when they shoot a picture.

That’s because lighting can make or break your shot. If you don’t have good lighting, you’re going to end up with a dark, grainy picture that doesn’t flatter anyone in it. And that’s just not what you want! I mean, who wants to look like a ghost in their pictures? That’s no fun! But if you do have good lighting, then you’ll get a crisp, clear picture that really shows off your subjects’ best features.

And that’s really what portrait photography is all about: showing off someone’s best features! So if you want to take a great portrait photo, remember: find a good light setup and use it to highlight those beautiful features.

If you haven’t already, check out the light setup in our portraits portfolio and book your photoshoot today.